Are you ready to become a proficient Full-Stack Developer? We're dedicated to helping you become a Full-Stack Development expert.
Immerse yourself in a dynamic learning environment where you'll acquire proficiency in both frontend and backend technologies.
From crafting captivating user interfaces with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to architecting robust server-side solutions with frameworks like Node.js and Python, Codeigniter and Laravel, our curriculum is designed to provide you with a holistic understanding of the development process.
HTML / HTML5, CSS / CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, JQuery, OOPs Concepts
Environment and setup ReactJS
Lifecycle methods, Components, Inbuilt Hooks & Custom Hooks
State ,Props, Events, Array, Object, Error handling
Local Storage, Session Storage, Routing and Navigation
Form Validation and Filtering ,React Bootstrap components
Redux, API Integration
Firebase, Google Authentication
Custom Higher-Order components
Payment Gateway Integration
Project Hosting on server
HTML / HTML5, CSS / CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, JQuery, OOPs Concepts
Environment and setup NPM, Angular JS
MVC(Model, View, Controller),DOM & Events
HTTP Request and Response
Cookie & Session
Forms & Validations with Advance Practical
Routing and Services
API Integration
Google Authentication and Payment Gateway Integration
Project Hosting on server
Basic & Advances Training Course Topics
Environment and setup Node.js
Asynchronous JavaScript (Callbacks, Promises, Async/Await)
Modules in Node.js (Built-in Modules vs. External Modules)
Express.js (Routing, Middleware)
HTTP Request and Response
RESTful API Development with Express.js
Handling Forms and Form Validation
Node JS with MYSQL/Mongo DB
Advanced Database Operations (Aggregation, Indexing)
Authentication and Authorization
REST API Security (JWT, OAuth)
Unit Testing and Test-Driven Development (TDD) in Node.js
Microservices Architecture with Node.js
Performance Optimization Techniques (Caching, Load Balancing)
OOPs Concepts
Environment and setup Python
Modules and Packages (Importing Modules, Creating Packages)
Debugging Techniques in Python
Advanced Data Structures
Data Analysis and Visualization
Client Server Architecture
Chat App
Web Scraping with Python (Beautiful Soup, Scrapy)
Working with Databases (SQLite, Mongo DB,MYSQL)
Testing in Python (Unit Testing, Test-Driven Development)
Deployment and DevOps Practices (Docker, Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment)
HTML / HTML5, CSS / CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, JQuery
Setting up a Local PHP Development Environment (e.g., XAMPP, WAMP)
Basics of PHP , Functions and Parameters
Arrays and Associative Arrays, Forms (GET and POST methods)
Handling User Input and Form Validation
Error Handling and Debugging Techniques
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in PHP
MySQL Database and complex SQL Queries
Environment and setup CodeIgniter
Models and Database Interaction
Routing, Forms and Form Validation, FIle Uploading
Sessions and Cookies Management
Error Handling and Debugging in CodeIgniter
Basic Security Practices in CodeIgniter
CodeIgniter Drivers, Custom Libraries and Custom Helpers
RESTful APIs in CodeIgniter
Authentication and Authorization
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Implementation
Caching Techniques (Page Caching, Data Caching)
Database Transactions and Query Builder
Security Best Practices (Cross-Site Request Forgery, Cross-Site Scripting)
Performance Optimization Techniques
Unit Testing and Deployment
HTML / HTML5, CSS / CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, JQuery
Setting up a Local PHP Development Environment (e.g., XAMPP, WAMP)
Basics of PHP , Functions and Parameters
Handling User Input and Form Validation
Error Handling and Debugging Techniques
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in PHP
MySQL Database and complex SQL Queries
Environment and setup Laravel via Composer
Routing in Laravel,Blade Templating Engine
Eloquent ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)
Database Migrations and Seeding
Query Builder and Raw SQL Queries
Form Handling and Validation, Authentication and Authorization Basics
Middleware, Error Handling and Debugging in Laravel
RESTful API Development, Resourceful Controllers and Resource Routing
Advanced Eloquent Techniques (Scopes, Accessors, Mutators)
Task Scheduling and Cron Jobs in Laravel
Queues and Background Processing
Laravel Events and Listeners
Performance Optimization Techniques (Caching, Eager Loading)
Unit Testing and Deployment and Deployment
Don't miss out on this chance to invest in yourself, Enroll now and embark on your journey to success!.
Don't miss out on this chance to invest in yourself, Enroll now and embark on your journey to success!.